Yep, it's on! we're restoring (modifying, adding, subtracting, cleaning) old, out of use lamps. Here is our first project of sorts :D
So... if you have a vintage, out of use lighting object or you are simply hooked up with it and you're using it only as a piece of furniture....
well it means that you really need a naive Intervention! call us and we'll do the rest... best :D
Feb 19, 2008
New area of activity - "Lamp Restoration"
Labels: lamps, news, offscenes, REstored, Simplicity
Feb 14, 2008
Think Before You Go Light
Newest project we decided to take part in - this time it's not about building light but actually shutting it down. Sounds weird? check out the EarthHour site ! we can all take part by subscribing and passing the word around.
In connection to this, we're preparing a new collection of objects, using no electricity but only beeswax. All will be available for sale at LaScena fair on 1 of March
Labels: Earth Hour, ECO, news, projects
Feb 12, 2008
My Grandma's Backyard, editia a 2-a – Geek my style!
In data de 1 martie, intre orele 12 si 19, in La Scena are loc a doua editie a “My Grandma’s Backyard” – Geek my style! un targ de haine, accesorii, obiecte vintage, selfmade si second-hand.
Asa cum v-am obisnuit deja in cadrul acestui eveniment, numerosi tineri artisti vor oferi spre vanzare obiecte art-deco, haine, gentute, portofele, pantofi, manusi si accesorii, toate unicat.
Printre participanti amintim : Carla Szabo, Dana Marijuana, George Enache, Button, Diana Bobar, Coca Zaboloteanu, VintageBoutique, NaiveDesign, Alien Ape Star, TH, Now&Wow, Eartricks si multi altii.
De ambianta muzicala se vor ocupa Udriste Nasturel, un grup compus din 3 baieti pasionati, Dinu – clape, sample-uri si percutie, Andrei – chitara electrica, Emil – flaut si vocal, Costin si Lucian de la Rezistenta Materialelor si in incheiere Ubic cu dj Swamp.
Dupa succesul repurtat la editia trecuta Alexandra aka Lucuchen va fi din nou gazda coltului de make-up.
Si pentru ca evenimentul sa fie cat mai interesant organizatorii propun un dress code: geek/ nerd/ tocilar style. Nu ezitati sa va puneti imaginatia la lucru ca sa fiti cat mai originali. Cei mai inventivi primesc un cocktail din partea casei.
Organizare: Trinnie & La Scena
Data: sambata, 1 martie, intre 12-19
Intrare: 10 lei, din care 6 lei consumatie
Labels: fashion design, My Grandma's Backyard, news
We're not that gone ;)
...well, ever since the end of last year we are involved (exclusively :) to a new and already dear project. If you haven't heard from the article in Time Out :) well it's time to hear it also from us: started the collaboration with La Scena on redesigning the "Red Room"-as we like to call it. The theme chosen together with the owner is organic-baroque, using as main materials mull and tulie (remember the Jelly Fish?:D) only that this time we're using almost the same technique at a bigger scale. The aim is to create a whole lighting installation on the ceiling that will float over a refreshing and cozy place to hang out with friends.
Space can be transformed using only lighting, remember? :D
introducing Dee, the extra pair of hands that really helped us get this project through