May 2, 2008

Ummagumma - a new chic boutique in town, a new challenge for us :)

'122, Calea Victoriei: is where you find, in a Bohemian alleyway, the fancy boutique Ummagumma – a daring concept, which invites you to stand out the standard norms of mass products. Clothing, shoes, accessories, made in small or unique pieces, new designers and fresh collections, is the main clock card of Ummagumma. A visit in there won’t disappoint you with groundless prices, and this is another argument to comeback to Ummagumma...' This is how its eloquent presentation should sound :)

Now, we'll let you decide whether this place deserves at least a visit, and therefore we present to you our 3 main lighting objects which hang daily in the boutique from 10 to 20 p.m. Those are all labeled naiveDesign :DWhether is about the naive umbrella, the jelly hat :) or the sketches dryer, we wanted to underline through design the free spirit of Ummagumma concept.

We also took care of the changing room and we painted an eye to an existing spot - we've called it the eye-setter :)

Well... we didn't stop here, as Oana (the brain behind Ummagumma concept) decided to leave a naiveDesign mark on the interior design as well. A few framed posters having as main character inverted silhouettes in different postures were hanged in the left corner of the main entrance as well as on the furnishing above the clothing hangers. Some festoons made from cotton wool and mull painted in red or wrapped in aluminium foil were also used for decoration. For the spot corner in the pay desk area, we used aluminium as main material, incorporating in it a framed grained-vintage portrait decorated with red feathers.

Curious enough? Come visit this visionary and chic place :)

design by Cristina Ivan

Apr 29, 2008

Ready to wear Fabrique?

We were keeping this post in draft for quite a while :) Yes, we are proud to introduce a new and unique concept - the first on line boutique in Bucharest - It's stylish, always being a step forward . So, if you want to be familiarized with names like Abirota, Mimotica Micola, Big Feet, Swear, Eliza Yokina, KTZ, Dr.Denim JeansMakers and many others (don't want to spoil the pleasure of personal finding :) or if you want to buy one of naiveDesign objects :D just click

This is the page where you can find indoor products in one of these categories: comfort, light :), object

We can only ask in addition: Do you Bucharest? :D as the Fabrique team questions its soon to be faithful clientèle.

Apr 28, 2008

it's about time to visit Bunny :)

20 April... La Scena... yard, funky, fresh and green. Yes, we're talking about the new edition of My Grandma's backyard. Seemed the corner from the Red room was expecting us this time too... our room mates also :) same happy faces, same funky people, same supporting visitors, same fluttered Gabi :), same Grandma, but much more nephews!

We've also got the chance to take for a walk our new and ready baked 'Aiurea' shoes :D Thanks again to Gabi for believing in them. and in us.

Had a lot of fun, bought some new bunnies :), made lots of friends. All in one, this kind of event makes you addictive.. Soo, can't wait for the 4th one :D

for more details on this event click here

Mar 30, 2008

and so it is...

the Earth Hour past. firstly, we would like to thank all of you who followed our petition. thus, together we managed to classify Romania on top ten :), almost 200 people having signed up (out of 1,100 from around the country).

those who still believe in such actions, had a great time celebrating this green event. we even forgot to turn ON our lights at 9 o'clock :) besides the feeling we are part of the world community, we had also experienced that lack of electricity bring people closer. we played Macao tiganesc, a card game which some of us haven't played since we were kids... and we've exchanged jokes (bancuri). What did You do? Apart of this quality time, you actually can use your individual power to 'make a difference'. No need to wait for others, just take action against this...

Of course there were a bunch of skeptics, who wanted to participate in their own way at the event :) Some of them replying us to our reminder sent a few minutes before 8 o'clock, such as: 'i turned it off, as i just left the house' or 'don't forget to unplug the fridge!' or (at 9 o'clock) 'turn on your lights!" :D

As long as the
people didn't remain cold-livered, we are content. As an averse example, this article welcomes the project having a positive approach on the subject. Many thanks to Ioana Mitu for her support! :)

Well... if you feel to join us in the future, you can always sign up for the 2009 EH

Until then, you can find here some images on the 2008 event or here some of the stories of EH around the world.

Mar 4, 2008

Back in the Yard - a one day fair(y)

This time we decided it's time to wait our guests in the "Jelly Fish Saloon", as the rumors say :) La Scena club was packed with 'geeks' from mid day to dawn; we might say it was a successful gathering where we had the chance to meet some really interesting people with whom we exchanged post its, impressions and smiles.

Thank you guys for being there with us and for watching up in the ceiling surprised :) When we saw your brows, all the fatigue sudden disappeared.
And here are the... reviews:

Fking-mirror 1
Fking-mirror 2
Urbnstyle 1
Urbnstyle 2

Mar 2, 2008

It takes 2 to tango, it takes ALL OF US to change

Seems the least we could do is give up a little bit on electricity and come up with a series of 12 candles and t-shirts for this event. The candles underline through their design the activities we could all take part in an hour of natural lighting (one hour of... hugging your lover, playing with your kittens, come up with new ideas, chilling, listening stories.. and others). Keeping the same concept, we conceived the graphic for a serie of pair t-shirts, having the slogan 'it takes 2 to tango, it takes all of us to change'

In order to illustrate our stories, we used different techniques:

- adding 'uncommon' materials, either from the electricity field (for highlighting the contrast of the 2 different areas) or recycling materials (clasp ins, used matches, clay, plaster, dry fruit peels)
- subtraction (lighting switch, bubbles, blended candles)
- harrowing - grilling of the x & 0 game, dragging hook

So, if you didn't came at My Grandma's Backyard on 1 of march, some of the candles and t-shirts for the campaign are still available in Pe's shop.

Please check out Earth Hour site

Feb 19, 2008

New area of activity - "Lamp Restoration"

Yep, it's on! we're restoring (modifying, adding, subtracting, cleaning) old, out of use lamps. Here is our first project of sorts :D

So... if you have a vintage, out of use lighting object or you are simply hooked up with it and you're using it only as a piece of furniture....

well it means that you really need a naive Intervention! call us and we'll do the rest... best :D

Feb 14, 2008

Think Before You Go Light

Newest project we decided to take part in - this time it's not about building light but actually shutting it down. Sounds weird? check out the EarthHour site ! we can all take part by subscribing and passing the word around.

In connection to this, we're preparing a new collection of objects, using no electricity but only beeswax. All will be available for sale at LaScena fair on 1 of March

Feb 12, 2008

My Grandma's Backyard, editia a 2-a – Geek my style!

In data de 1 martie, intre orele 12 si 19, in La Scena are loc a doua editie a “My Grandma’s Backyard” – Geek my style! un targ de haine, accesorii, obiecte vintage, selfmade si second-hand.
Asa cum v-am obisnuit deja in cadrul acestui eveniment, numerosi tineri artisti vor oferi spre vanzare obiecte art-deco, haine, gentute, portofele, pantofi, manusi si accesorii, toate unicat.
Printre participanti amintim : Carla Szabo, Dana Marijuana, George Enache, Button, Diana Bobar, Coca Zaboloteanu, VintageBoutique, NaiveDesign, Alien Ape Star, TH, Now&Wow, Eartricks si multi altii.
De ambianta muzicala se vor ocupa Udriste Nasturel,
un grup compus din 3 baieti pasionati, Dinu – clape, sample-uri si percutie, Andrei – chitara electrica, Emil – flaut si vocal, Costin si Lucian de la Rezistenta Materialelor si in incheiere Ubic cu dj Swamp.
Dupa succesul repurtat la editia trecuta Alexandra aka Lucuchen va fi din nou gazda coltului de make-up.
Si pentru ca evenimentul sa fie cat mai interesant organizatorii propun un dress code:
geek/ nerd/ tocilar style. Nu ezitati sa va puneti imaginatia la lucru ca sa fiti cat mai originali. Cei mai inventivi primesc un cocktail din partea casei.

Locatie: La Scena – Calea Calarasilor, nr. 55
Organizare: Trinnie & La Scena

Data: sambata, 1 martie, intre 12-19

Intrare: 10 lei, din care 6 lei consumatie

We're not that gone ;)

...well, ever since the end of last year we are involved (exclusively :) to a new and already dear project. If you haven't heard from the article in Time Out :) well it's time to hear it also from us: started the collaboration with La Scena on redesigning the "Red Room"-as we like to call it. The theme chosen together with the owner is organic-baroque, using as main materials mull and tulie (remember the Jelly Fish?:D) only that this time we're using almost the same technique at a bigger scale. The aim is to create a whole lighting installation on the ceiling that will float over a refreshing and cozy place to hang out with friends.
Space can be transformed using only lighting, remember? :D

Guess we have to stop it here if we want to see surprised faces at the Grandma's Backyard Fair on 1 of March :)

introducing Dee, the extra pair of hands that really helped us get this project through

Jan 8, 2008

Legenda primelor lampi

Cu multa, foarte multa vreme in urma, incat nimeni n-ar putea spune: "imi amintesc", ci doar: "mi s-a povestit", cerul se afla atat de aproape de pamant, de parea ca luna si stelele umbla cu piciorusele lor de lumina peste dealuri, ori coboara zbenguindu-se prin vai.
Pe timpurile acelea minunate nu erau cunoscute, de buna seama, noptile. Cele 24 de ore ale zilei erau stralucitoare ca niste faclii: vreme de 12 ore, felinarul cel mare si rosu, soarele, raspandea neobosit lumina si caldura, caldura si lumina, iar in celelalte 12 ore luna si stelele isi aprindeau minunatele lor luminite.
Totul era stralucire pe atunci; drumurile si gradinile erau luminate, casele si muntii de asemenea. Dar cum totdeauna se intampla si ceva rau, altfel nu s-ar ivi povestile, se nimeri ca tocmai atunci, in Haiti, se petrecu ceva rau de-adevarat. Traia acolo o negresa, pe nume Candida-Maria, dar, ca sa fim drepti, nu asta era partea rea, nici n-ar fi avut de ce sa fie, aici vine acel "dar", inchizand in el tot raul: negresa Candida-Maria era lunga, lunga, mai lunga decat cel mai inalt ulm, asa ca o clopotnita, ori ca muntii cei mai semeti. N-ar fi insemnat insa nimic rau, daca biata Candida-maria n-ar fi fost mereu suparata si infuriata. Si avea si de ce sa fie asa. Niciodata nu nimerea un pantofar cara sa-i poata face pantofi pe masura ei, si nici un fel depanza nu-i ajungea de-o rochie. Unde mai pui ca se mai intampla ceva si mai ingrozitor: fiindca era asa lunga, vantul din inaltul cerului ii desfacea cositele, iar norii i le imprastiau, incalcindu-i-le. Cu rabdare, Candida-Maria isi pieptana iar parul negru, si-l impletea in doua cosite, si legandu-le cu panglici purpurii, apoi le strangea in forma de melci, unul la dreapta, altul la stanga, peste urechi. Nu sfarsea ea bine, ca iar venea vantul si dintr-o suflare ii smulgea panglicile, varandu-si degetele lui ascutite si neastamparate prin suvite, si i le incurca ingrozitor. Apoi, ca si cum asta nu era de ajuns, veneau norii si ii acopereau ochii, murmurandu-i in urechi fel de fel de soapte, care o faceau sa-si iasa din fire.
Atunci Candida-Maria cauta pe dibuite matura, si furioasa, incepea sa loveasca in dreapta si in stanga, pana cand vantul si norii se speriau de-a binelea si fugeau hat departe, ca sa scape de mania fetei.
Harjoana asta se repeta zi de zi, mai ales catre seara, cand vantul dinspre munte prindea sa suiere printre nori. Biata Candida-Maria credea ca-si pierde mintile de deznadejde. Blestematul de vant i se strecura printre suvitele ei pieptanate jucandu-se cu ele, i le invartejea, iar norii isi intindeau naframa lor alba, inghetata, peste ochii fetei. Candida-Maria plangea, dadea din maini in toate partile si, in cele din urma, in culmea furiei, prindea matura de coada si incepea sa izbeasca cu ea in nori si sa loveasca fara mila vantul.
Loviturile de matura se auzeau rapaind pe obrajii norilor si pe spinarea vantului, pana cand, intr-o zi, se intampla ceea ce avea sa se intample:
Candida-Maria isi pierdu pana intr-atat rabdarea, incat, scoasa din minti de glumele proaste ale norilor si ale vantului, intrecu masura cu loviturile. Chiar si cerul, vesnic linistit si albastru, se facu galben, se sperie si incepu sa se dea inapoi, ca sa scape de loviturile manioase ale negresei. Si se trase asa de mult inapoi, ca ajunsese departe, sus de tot, acolo unde se afla si acum. De buna seama ca isi lua cu el si comoara lui de stele, si se povesteste ca, de atunci incolo, dupa ceasurile de lumina, s-a pogorat peste pamant intunericul. Stelele lumineaza mereu, scanteind, din inltul cerului, dar stralucirea lor e indepartata. Cand apune soarele si se ivesc primele stele, e semn ca ziua e pe sfarsite si incepe noaptea.
De atunci, cand se lasa noaptea, drumurile si marea, livezile si casele au ramas in intuneric. Iar oamenii, ca s-alunge bezna, au nascocit primele lampi.